Peace in Covid

25 Verses for Peace and Comfort in Scary Times

Hard to believe it was over a month ago now. I was getting ready to pick up my daughter from school and take her to golf practice when I got a school-wide text. Golf practice would be canceled for the day as well as the next few practices. Odd. They were supposed to have their first match on Monday, and they needed the practice.

It wasn’t long after we got another text – Oh, by the way, no school tomorrow, and the students will be cleaning out their lockers and bringing home all their books – just in case.

I don’t need to tell you what happened after that. We have all been through it. Some version of no school, wait, come get your books, nevermind, we’ll put them outside, see you in 2 weeks, school, what’s school?

It was a whirlwind, and I am thankful for the way our school has handled it and rolled with the punches as quickly as they came.

But for many, what began as uncertainty soon morphed into concern, anxiety, and fear.

And I had to stop.

I had to turn to the 1 thing that never changes.

The word of the Lord endures forever.

There’s nothing new under the sun.

Maybe you’ve heard some of these scriptures before. Maybe you haven’t. But I hope you’ll pour over these with a fresh perspective and a fresh hope as a reminder that nothing is new under the sun. God is in control. There is hope for your future. He will be with you in scary times.

Here are 25 Verses for Peace and Comfort in Scary Times. (Published on


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